
2 min read
Getting to Know You
I have a meetup with a new person, a new friend, tomorrow. We met briefly, found we have a common interest, and now that covid has slowed...
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2 min read
Humor In Chaos - What Does That Mean?
I have a YouTube channel called Humor In Chaos. Where did the name come from? When I was quite ill with Lupus symptoms, I had troubles...
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2 min read
May the 4th Be With You
The Intergenerational Amazingness of the Star Wars Franchise Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, etc. Generational battles rage on in...
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3 min read
Taking Names
When our children came into the world, one of the most agonizing things on the to-do list was naming them. Thankfully, I really only had...
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4 min read
The idea of starting a writer’s blog for myself came from my daughter. Sitting around describing aspects of myself seems about as...
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